Monday, September 1, 2008


So... last Monday I found out that I passed my N-Clex exam so I am now officially a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)! I heard about a homecare facility that worked with special needs pediatric patients from a friend and so I called Wednesday and talked to an employee there. I set up an appointment on Friday for what I thought was a job interview, but when I got there they had me fill out paperwork, watch a movie, and told me what I have to do still before I start to work. I am excited/nervous to start work there, but I will be able to study while I am at work, choose the days I want to work, and get paid good so... good deal all around. I won't start work until after Sept. 14th though because I am going to Mexico for Maren's birthday so I could not miss that!


Megan and Will said...

oh my goodness! i have the coolest cousin! good job on all of your achievements! i am so excited for you! :-)

Kim & Max Willis family said...

oh BTW - thanks for the shout out on cutting your hair! Im glad that you liked it! you look super sassy!

Maren and Casey McDowell said...

Ok so you were doing good for a while.. now you just need to keep posting crap...